caballoSentado So pleased for you - glad your son is firmly in touch with reality.
JoinedPosts by THE GLADIATOR
Very proud!
by caballoSentado inhi friends,.
although i read the forum dayly, i rarely post.. but i had to tell you this!..
i have 3 children 2 boys and a beatiful girl... this is about my second boy.
Challenge to Athiests - is Religion a Pox on Mankind?
by jgnat ini've spent the last few years examining my core beliefs to test what still stands.
i've let go of an inviolate bible, demoted jesus to a failed prophet, and god as unable to act against injustice.
our universe made itself.
“Is there truly evidence that humans are hard-wired for good?”
Humans are both good and bad, depending on the definition of good. The problem is that humans are not hard-wired but evolved from apes; well some did, others are still trying to jump the gap, myself included.
Challenge to Athiests - is Religion a Pox on Mankind?
by jgnat ini've spent the last few years examining my core beliefs to test what still stands.
i've let go of an inviolate bible, demoted jesus to a failed prophet, and god as unable to act against injustice.
our universe made itself.
I’m inclined to think that mankind is a pox on the planet, and religion is just one of many illusions that shape the human race. Bring back the dynasours.
Do I sound cynical?
Please correct these sentences.
by compound complex in.
walking down the street, the trees were beautiful.. i saw the trailer peeking through the window.. reaching the station, the sun came out..
Reaching the station, the sun came out and said “Hi I’m gay and I’m hot."
Phizzy Said this......And I am afraid I disagree
by KateWild ini still find it strange that believers cannot get it in to their heads that atheism is not a belief, but theism is.
there cannot possibly be proof "for" the atheistic position as it is simply a position that says i see no proof for a god.. if someone says there are pink unicorns with purple spots and i say i have never seen any proof of their existence, i cannot offer proof of my "position", the onus is 100% upon the spotted unicorn guy to prove their existence to me.
simple.. where the frustration enters in for us non-unicornists is when the unicornists expect us to listen to inane arguments , non facts and plain nonsesnse and then go along with their delusion.
QUOTE: Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence was a phrase made popular by Carl Sagan. It is the heart of the scientific method, and a model for critical thinking, rational thought and skepticism everywhere.
The evidence put forth by proponents of such things as gods, ghoasts, the paranormal, and UFO's highly questionable at best and offers little in the way of proof. Even if we accepted what evidence there is as valid (and it is highly debatable if we should), limited and weak evidence is not enough to overcome the extraordinary nature of these claims.
I'm tired of atheist vs theist, let's some god-on-god action!
by marmot ini've noticed that whenever there's a discussion about god or belief on this forum it's invariably the christian god that gets center attention.
why does yahweh get a free pass and all the other other gods get short shrift?.
surely the monotheistic tradition is just as silly as any number of deities out there, i want to see some deist bashing coming from other deists to liven things up a bit.. why should i believe in the god of the bible that made a man out of clay and let a talking snake convince the first woman to eat forbidden fruit over other equally ludicrous creation myths?
OnTheWayOut There just are not too many people worshipping the Greek/Roman gods anymore, nor Ceasar or some Emperor or Pharoah.
This is true, but the lonleyness will not deture me.
Hail Caesar!
I'm Returing To Become A Jehovah's Witness Again
by Space Madness ina little background, i faded in 2007 and have been out ever since.
i started studying at 18 and have no jw realitives.
i'm returing because my life is heading in the wrong direction.
Space Madness My time as a JW was the only time in my life when I had friends and was genuinely happy.
At the end of the day that's what matters. May I suggest the Mormons are a better outfit. You will need a smarter suit and have to do without coffee and alcohol. It also costs 10% of your income to be involved. But class costs money.
Why do so-called believers need my approval or that of any atheist?
by Band on the Run inrecent posts from those who may mistakenly consider themselves "believers" demand a safe haven in this forum.
they don't like associating with atheists or someone like me.
of course, there are hundreds of thousands of sites for christian discussion already set up on the internet.
Christianity has spanned and many centuries and gone through many changes and revisions. Everyone is entitled to their own set of beliefs or lack of belief. Tammy has always tolerated my lack of faith, my criticisms, lame jokes and at times indifference.
Hi there Tammy - just dropped in to see if everyone is behaving.
What is this "don't take it personally comment all about ? "
by caliber indo you think when someone takes things personally in a way they are "selfcentered" because "its all about them" .... or does it mean maybe that the person is just very caring and sensitive?.
"(a phrase people use as a disclaimer to make an excuse to say or do something rude or mean to you to prevent you from having a poor self-image or so there won't be repercussions").
when a person says not to take it personally, don't they mean it may be upset them ... just like they are requesting you not to be upset ?.
It means to look objectively at the facts instead of getting all hissy, cos something has been said that threatens a cherished belief.
this site sucks! its just a buncha athiest on soap boxes.
by crossquestions6995 inthis site is not a healthy forum for discussion or healing.
its an arena for jaded athiests to bash anything christian or god related.
yes, i know the jw's lied to us about god and the truth.
crossquestions6995 Re the opening post: “This site is not a healthy forum for discussion or healing. Its an arena for jaded athiests to bash anything Christian or God related.”
My take on your post is that, on this forum, there’s a healthy balance of Atheists, Christians and those that ain’t too sure. We could do with half a dozen Muslims, a few Jews, a Buddhist, a Hindu, and a great big spoon to stir the pot.
On the other hand, if you are looking for a simple life, just worship Dawkins - you know it makes sense.